Welcome to your trusted salt specialists

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You want to be natural salt retailer?

KönigsSalz is represented with more than 100 specialist shops in your region. Our interactive map of Germany shows you where you can find your personal port of call for all of your questions regarding the “white gold” as well as competent advice for more wellbeing. You will be welcomed and given a detailed explanation of the advantages of our range of more than 300 products, including table salts, bath salts, salt candy, salt lamps, cosmetics and many others. Furthermore, the map shows you a great amount of alternative practitioners and pharmacies who offer you our energy stones for vital water and salt lamps or our health products, to name but a few examples. Delicatessen retailers, wholefood and butcher’s shops selling our seasoning salt, our care products or our pepper are also stated.

If you are looking for a SALARIUM ®, please change to our map SALARIUM ® in your area.

Delight your customers and acquire new ones with KönigsSalz products!

The cooperation with KönigsSalz is not only limited to the purchase/sale of high-quality products from an extensive, unique product range…
What else can you expect from KönigsSalz?
• Free “Natural Salt folding flyers” in the quantity you require, recipe cards
• Files for “Salt of the month” posters and product labels
• Turnover-related annual discount
• Organic certificate
• Speeches on the topic of natural salt for your customers at your premises
• KönigsSalz seminars for you and your employees with a certificate: “Natural salt expert adviser”
• Researches on questions regarding the topic of natural salt
• Questionnaires on the survey by SALARI-UM®/salt cave visitors
• Evaluation of experience reports
• Constantly new, innovative products (sauna salts, organic vegetable broth with natural salt, and many more....)
• Possibility of linking your website with the KönigsSalz shop

Please contact us and we will be happy to explain our services in detail!