KönigsSalz today
KönigsSalz currently has 32 employees and also takes on apprentices. More than 1,000 tons of salt are imported each year.
The horses of the English royal family, the Spanish Riding School in Vienna and the United Arab Emirates love KönigsSalz salt blocks. Not only these famous horses, but many ordinary “country horses” do not want to go without KönigsSalz salt blocks, either. KönigsSalz customers include wholesale traders from all over Europe.
Horses are not the only ones fascinated with KönigsSalz, as many expert chefs, wellness hotels and day spas are among their satisfied customers. The first salt room was created in the Netherlands in spring 2006 and many salt shops in Germany, Switzerland and Austria attract a great number of customers.
In addition to Carpathian salt, which was already mentioned, there are eight other natural table and gourmet salts as well as salt chocolate and brine candy. Furthermore, you can nurture your skin with salt cosmetics such as bathing salts and peelings without preservatives, skin-irritating emulsifiers, genetically modified raw materials, raw materials from dead animals, or animal testing. KönigsSalz lamps and the very rare and mystical Persian salt lamps set the tone in many living rooms and office spaces.
KönigsSalz is having the term SALARIUM® protected by copyright. These relaxation rooms by KönigsSalz are offered to customers by more and more renowned thermal baths, health centres, clinics and hotels in Europe. Restaurants, bars, hotel suites, wellness areas… are also furnished by KönigsSalz. Not to forget, salt as a building material to be used in living and working areas.
KönigsSalz offers its customers a complete concept regarding natural salt and its application in all areas. The company supports your plans from the design phase through to training and field-tested performance.
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