Energy spots for health-conscious homes
Mines and caves fascinate and captivate men and women, as they seemingly address some kind of ancient instinct within us. How else could we explain that in our collective imagination we see a warm space aflame by a flickering fire – a dome of calm and harmony? The mild light of the fire is reflected in the rock crystals of the walls. The air has a pure, but tangy smell. Did you notice? This atmosphere remarkably resembles a modern living room lit by small and large salt lamps.
The positive effects on our wellbeing and our soul, which we have been told of for years, are as diverse as each individual’s problems and worries: Depressive feelings and faintness make room for fresh vigour. Stress and fatigue vanish. The inner core is rediscovered. Illnesses are overcome faster. Children go to sleep quicker and it is easier for them to sleep through the night when a KönigsSalz lamp baths their room in semi-darkness. Conventional medicine is puzzling over the effect. Colour and light therapists, natural health professionals, but also people sensitive to electro smog leave no doubt about KönigsSalz lamps being energy spots for a health-conscious home.